12 Straightforward Ways To Stay Engaged When Working Remotely

As many companies have learned this year, some fully-remote team members may find it more difficult to stay engaged when they’re surrounded by the distractions of home. Others tend to overwork and lose touch with their teammates without the typical office interactions they’re accustomed to having. Remote work requires self-discipline, but you can do it successfully while staying highly engaged with your team if you use the right strategies. If you’re struggling to stay focused and productive in your home office, check out these 12 suggestions from the members of Forbes Coaches Council.


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Shifting Roles

Do you ever wonder when something (a name, an author, a situation) SHOWS UP REPEATEDLY in your life, if there’s a MESSAGE you need to hear? Completely coincidentally, my business partners and I realized on a call this week that we are all reading or listening to books by the author Ann Patchett: The Dutch House, State of Wonder, and Truth & Beauty. What are the CHANCES of that?


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Don't Be Blind Sighted

Difficult situations show up no matter who you are. It doesn’t matter if you are at the top of your field, leading a team, or starting an exciting project. Inevitably, you WILL FACE A TOUGH SITUATION. Let’s be honest, not one but MANY tough situations. Are you prepared?


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Bijal Choksiblog 9/24/2020