Miracle Morning


How do you start your day? I am a firm believer that starting your day off on the right foot will lead to a better day overall. Do you find yourself in reactive mode as soon as your alarm goes off? Responding to texts, scanning emails for emergencies, sometimes before you’ve even brushed your teeth? How about instead planning a deliberate morning ritual that will keep you strategic, grounded, and in charge?

From a practical matter, it’s so easy to go into the mode of responding to everyone else’s needs, but not your own. If you don’t look out for yourself, who will? Certainly not the people looking for a response from you, wanting your money, or demanding your time.

If you had a clean slate for the first 30 minutes of your day, what would set you up for SUCCESS? Get you in the right MINDSET? Some exercise? Scanning your calendar and being intentional about how you want to feel for each major activity? Thinking about your vision for the year? Reviewing your major goals and assessing progress?

I want you to remember that at the moment, you will not want to take the time for these higher-level activities. You will be drawn to respond to the “urgent” emails, review social media, or whatever tasks are currently in your morning routine.

Your goal is to MAKE THE UNFAMILIAR MORE FAMILIAR. If you decide you want to exercise first thing in the morning, sure you may have to force yourself for the first couple of weeks. But slowly, being active first thing in the morning will be what’s familiar. Then not exercising will be the anomaly.

So I invite you as we near the end of the year, to really think about how you want to spend your mornings for this season of your life. Don’t put off starting your ideal morning routine for another year. I’m here if you want to chat about it via email or phone.

If we don’t connect before 2021, have a healthy, safe, warm, and easeful rest of the year.



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Bijal Choksi, MA, CHPC, ACC


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