Use Your Strengths...Change Your World


Happy Wednesday. A big virtual high five to those of you that took advantage of the free StandOut assessment and shared your results. Of course, no assessment can encapsulate the whole you in a 15-page report! But you can use it as a stepping stone to understand what your unique gifts are to your team, company, family, really the world. 


Take a moment to consider: What could you accomplish if you could increase your motivation and effectiveness? If you could bust through obstacles like a superhero? Instead of just “powering through it” or going through the motions, using your unique strengths will provide you with a different “how”, to actually enjoy the process more, feel less frustrated, and be a catalyst to reach your goals.


Here are a few practical suggestions to help you interpret your report followed by a couple of additional resources I’m offering this week:

  • Highlight the phrases in the report where you internally say “yes, that’s me!” And know that not everything will resonate with you in your report. AND (this is key), sometimes what is a resounding “no” is just as valuable as the “yes, that’s me!” moment. Both provide pointers to your strengths.

  • Pay attention to the verbs on each page. As I’ll cover in my workshop on Thursday (see below for details), your strengths are action items…what you look forward to DOING, what you DO with joy & energy.

  • Most people miss that page 3 in their report is the ranking of all 9 strength roles. If your #3 (and #4, etc) roles have bar lengths that are pretty close to your #2, pay attention. You likely have strong strengths in those roles as well.

I truly believe we can change the world if more people stepped into their strengths, so if all of this is sounding too theoretical and you want 1:1 help honing in on your strengths, I’m offering free 20-minute laser coaching sessions for the month of May to discuss your results, but just for all of you on this email distribution list. Book your time with me here.


So to recap, Step #1 is knowing your strengths. Step #2 is knowing how to use your strengths.


This step is a bit more complicated because our monkey brains will often get in the way, but I’ll walk through a simple process in a workshop I’m doing for The Solve Network this Thursday night from 6:30 – 8pm MT. They have opened up the workshop to my guests, so I encourage you to register if you are curious about how to shift to a strengths mindset. You’ll walk out of the workshop with 1) your list of strengths -whether you took the assessment or not; and, 2) four ways to use your strengths immediately. Register here (scroll to the bottom of the page to register.)


Have an awesome day, and remember to step outside for some fresh air to recharge your mind and spirit.