If You Want Different, DO DIFFERENT
Are you showing up in life as your BEST SELF? Do you feel STRESSED before meetings or during interactions with certain people? Are you completely spent by Friday? Do you feel like you need to FORCE yourself through your day? Are you struggling to manage a SAD life event? Are you looking for an approachable tool that can UPGRADE your life pretty quickly?
InnerBalance from HeartMath is my chosen LIFE-MANAGEMENT TOOL, after testing many options, for BUSY professionals who want to flow more easily and effectively through life. I’ve also found it powerful before stressful situations. Just 5 minutes will broaden your perspective, lower your heartrate, and allow ideas and connections to flow. Seems MAGICAL right?
Some of you know I lost my dad last year. And that I have sleep issues. HeartMath was the SINGLE most important TOOL I leaned on during my dad’s painful fight with cancer to help me cope better and sleep better (shockingly), all while being fully PRESENT through the full range of emotions one has during this type of life event. No denial or escape or trying to neutralize the negative emotions. During the short HeartMath sessions, I would INTENTIONALLY generate POSITIVE EMOTIONS, like GRATITUDE for having time with my dad before things got really bad, LOVE for my extended family who rallied together for support, and JOY against all odds during that time seeing childhood friends on my many visits home for ceremonies after he passed.
I recently had a chat with the Lead Trainer of HeartMath South Africa. When I asked him what makes this tool so powerful, he said HeartMath’s power centers on its ability to bring people to a “coherent” state. HeartMath describes coherence as “the state when the heart, mind, and emotions are in energetic alignment and cooperation.” I would describe HeartMath to be a SHORTCUT to the intersection of your BEST SELF and your BEST ABILITIES. Being in coherence literally INCREASES BLOOD FLOW to the parts of the brain that lead to higher level thinking, BALANCES the nervous system, and increases resiliency.
The picture shows heart rhythms during negative emotions vs. positive emotions. Negative emotions like frustration, stress, anger, and impatience put you out of sync => choppy waves. In contrast, positive emotions like love, gratitude, and appreciation create harmony in heart rhythms and the nervous system => smooth waves aka coherence.
It’s so POWERFUL being able to see your waves with the InnerBalance tool and the associated app. It’s like having X-RAY eyes into what is happening in your body and brain. I’m offering a SPECIAL to you, my email tribe for the month of August only: get the InnerBalance tool and a 45-minute virtual instructional session with me where I teach you the exact technique I use daily to shift from incoherent waves to coherence and synchronicity for only $199. (The InnerBalance tool alone is $169.) Just reply to this email if you are ready to try it out. Money back guarantee. That’s how much I believe in it.
With practice using HeartMath, you too can experience better sleep, feel more peaceful and calm, and improve how you show up in life. Because if you want different, you must do different.