How To Make Better Decisions Right Now
Happy Friday. Hard to believe my younger son turns 12 today…time and mother nature just keep on going no matter what, don’t they?
Are you having a harder time making decisions right now? Deciding when to go back to the office, when to venture out, what’s the appropriate next step in your career for you, even small decisions like what to have for dinner?
First of all, know that this is normal when your mental load is high. Even if you don’t think you are all that worried or too distracted by what’s going on in our external environment right now, there is so much happening in your brain and body that is beyond your conscious awareness that could be causing brain fog, slower response times, stress, etc. Scientists now believe only 5% of human processing happens at the conscious thinking level, like the exposed tip of the iceberg. A whopping 95% is happening at the subconscious level, out of our control, like the bulk of the iceberg under water.
Knowing your thinking mind is only a small part of the picture, here’s my quick guide to making decisions right now:
SELF-COMPASSION: don’t judge yourself for having a harder time making a decision right now. We all are experiencing this to some extent. Having compassion will calm your nervous system allowing clearer thinking.
MINDSET: think about RESPONDING mindfully versus jumping to a decision from a place of reactivity, fear, and ego. A quote from Viktor Frankle comes to mind: “Between a stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Remember, at the end of the day, you don’t HAVE to do anything. You have a choice. Perceiving that mental space decreases the pressure and lowers cortisol levels allowing a calmer, more thoughtful decision making process.
RESEARCH: what information can you gather about the topic? Who has been through something similar and what did they do? Even with so much out of our control and unknown, there is quantitative, qualitative and experiential data that will be helpful to you.
SUPPORT: old patterns and habits are well wired into our brains. Making real change is disruptive to the system and we as humans need SUPPORT. Where in your life can you get some support? Ideas: spouse, books, guided meditation, friend, journal, coach, online class. No one wants to feel alone; we evolved in tribes and small communities for support. Even today, and even if you are an introvert, support provides new perspectives and reflection, key parts of effective decision-making.
If you need resources, drop me an email or text, or come to my free weekly office hours every Wednesday from 10-11am MT. Register here.
Have an amazing weekend.