Do More, Accomplish More


During this time of social distancing and WFH, more clients than ever are struggling with MOTIVATION. Most of them have identified goals, like losing 15 pounds or taking on a bigger role at work. But they are struggling to take ACTION.

Does this resonate at all? If you are honest with yourself, are you doing the HARD WORK needed to make your goals a REALITY, or are you hoping for a stroke of luck, or for someone to notice that you are the right person for the role, promotion, client? Or that you will miraculously lose those 15 pounds? 

You can let life happen to you, or you can take ACTION to get the outcomes you want.

Sometimes, you may view taking an ACTION as too risky. Other times as seeming too pushy. Or maybe you are just feeling overwhelmed. And I’ve been there too – feeling overwhelmed, or that I didn’t have just the perfect set of skills. The voice in my head telling me, “Who am I to say something, do something, take a chance?” Or you may think, “things aren’t so bad the way they are.” But sometimes the STATUS QUO CAN SUCK YOUR LIFE FORCE, slowly but surely.  

That’s why I’m here to remind you to take ACTION, if you are serious about achieving a goal.  

Or maybe you already are taking actions to get from point A to point B. Then it’s time to ask yourself: WHAT MORE COULD I BE DOING? You know, that action that gives you butterflies in your stomach. That step that you don’t really let yourself think about because it feels too big, too scary. 

ISN’T IT TIME YOU REALLY WENT FOR IT? Made that call, talked with your boss, took that course, approached that person, interviewed for the dream role? Push yourself past your comfort zone, even if just slightly. DO MORE, AND YOU WILL ACCOMPLISH MORE.

 If you need support in really going for it, know that I provide all my coaching clients a safe space to discuss goals, actions, support needed, accountability. To start living their life COURAGEOUSLY. I have their backs, and I can for you too. Schedule your 20-minute intro call here.

I’ll leave you with this quote: “We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world. We must learn to welcome and not to fear the voices of dissent. We must dare to think about unthinkable things because when things become unthinkable, thinking stops and action becomes mindless.” — J. William Fulbright